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2024 blogs

Leigh Day blogs 2024

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Laser Hair Removal
Personal injury Laser burns Beauty treatments

Seven steps for a successful laser burns claim

Blog Post
Personal injury Cycling British cycling

Pothole claims: How to successfully gather evidence

Potholes and road defects can put a cyclist's safety at risk. They can cause injuries and bike damage. But did you know that you could seek compensation for losses arising from accidents caused by potholes?

Blog Post
Deep Sea Mining
International Environmental Damage Environment

Seabed mining and the accountability gap

Katharina Theil and Melissa Rahbar from Leigh Day’s international department discuss the need for a strong accountability regime for damage caused by seabed mining in light of the potential risks to the marine environment.

Blog Post
Supreme Court (1)
Reparations Human rights Supreme Court

Has the Supreme Court opened the door to reparations claims?

Walker Syachalinga considers a recent decision of the Supreme Court which could mean that people seeking to bring historic claims by relying on previously concealed information face lower hurdles.