2018 Blogs
12 of 35 items displayed

Should hernia mesh procedures come with a larger health warning?
Gene Matthews and Charlotte Evans from the product safety and consumer law team discuss whether a review of the use of hernia mesh by the NHS is needed following reports of complications after surgery.

Food allergen labelling – why we need 'Natasha's law'
Following the inquest in to the death of Natasha Ednan-Laperouse, Tina Patel from the team representing her family discusses why the current food labelling laws need to change to prevent further tragedies.

Redress for survivors of abuse – could it be a reality across the UK?
As the Scottish Government considers recommendations for a nationwide redress scheme - Alison Millar considers whether such a scheme could be workable in England and Wale

The 1950s called, they want their dress codes back
Leigh Day intern Queenie Djan is dispirited by the persistent existence of dress codes in the workplace

The "Zero Draft": Access to judicial remedy for victims of multinationals' abuse
Richard Meeran discusses the 2018 "Zero Draft" of the proposed binding treaty on business and human rights

Pair-shaped equality in the House of Commons
Employment solicitor Mandy Bhattal questions whether the outdated 'pairing system' in Parliament is fit for purpose

Revenge porn and the law
Specialist abuse claims solicitor Andrew Lord considers the legal view
Valorising Valerie - part two
In part two of Valorising Valerie, Paula Lee calls upon us to challenge what we think we know.

Valorising Valerie - part one
In the first of her two part blog, Paula Lee asserts that adopting the label of feminism doesn't matter in the fight for equal pay.
Pen portraits and a plea to the Chief Coroner
Human rights lawyer Merry Varney asks the Chief Coroner to allow the voices of families and friends to be heard as part of the inquest process