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International corporate corruption and espionage

Sometimes the methods employed by defendant companies are unlawful and can become the cause of legal action in their own right

When companies employ unlawful methods against campaigners, whistleblowers and others seeking to expose corruption and wrongdoing, the stakes are high for our clients.

We understand that and through our experience of handling these sensitive claims, we can help to protect you as well as seek compensation for the actions taken by any company which seeks to protect the actions unlawfully.

The international team at Leigh Day acts for individuals who have been caused harm, anywhere in the world, by companies which are based in the UK

The team represents individuals who have been made to suffer adverse career consequences as a result of seeking to expose wrongdoing and corruption overseas. They have also acted for those who have been the victim of spying for commercial rather than national security purposes, including campaigners and campaign groups infiltrated by spies commissioned by industry groups and businesses.

Case studies

Case Study
Asbestos warning
Asbestos International Corporate accountability

K2 Intelligence

Case Study
Businessman On Mobile Phone (002)
Spying Saudi Arabia Corporate espionage & breach of privacy


Case Study
Gold bars
International Corporate accountability Whistleblowing

Ernst & Young

Find out more about the team