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Queen Mary’s School abuse claims

Contact our abuse team for information about starting an abuse claim

If you were abused at Queen Mary’s School, Lytham St Anne’s, we can help.

If you are an ex-pupil of Queen Mary’s School and were abused while you were there our team of abuse lawyers can offer you advice and support.

The abuse claims team at Leigh Day is currently representing a number of former pupils of Queen Mary’s School, in Lytham St Anne’s, who claim that they were subjected to emotional and sexual abuse by a member of staff.

Queen Mary’s School was an all-girls secondary school founded in 1930. It was an independent school previously funded by the Lytham Schools Foundation and was eventually closed in 1999.

The school was at the centre of a sexual abuse investigation by police, with allegations that abuse took place between approximately 1980 and 1995. A former member of staff at the school, Andrew Gudgeon, was charged with 15 offences including sexual offences against former students and appeared before the court in January 2021. However, Gudgeon died and the charges could not be pursued further.

Abuse claims lawyer Andrew Lord is currently representing a number of abuse survivors linked to Queen Mary’s School. If you are a survivor of abuse and would like to speak to a member of the abuse claims team please contact Andrew Lord or Zayna Mahmood in strict confidence on 020 7650 1180.