DVT claims
Untreated blood clots, typically in the leg (DVT), can lead to pulmonary embolism. If undiagnosed or mistreated by a medical professional, this could result in serious illness, injury, stroke, amputation or even death.
Should this happen to you or a loved one, you may be able to bring a DVT or blood clot compensation claim due to medical negligence.
Medical professionals should assess your risk of developing a blood clot if you are in one of the ‘at risk’ categories. Failure to do so, delaying a diagnosis or providing incorrect treatment may be deemed negligent.
If a medical professional did not adequately evaluate the risk of you developing a blood clot and consequently failed to prevent a blood clot from forming, or failed to diagnose a DVT, resulting in an untreated blood clot, you may be able to bring a medical negligence claim.
The longer DVT is left undiagnosed and untreated, the worse its effects can become. This can result in longer, more painful recovery time and serious health problems.
What our clients say
DVT stands for deep vein thrombosis and it refers to a blood clot that develops in a deep vein in the body, typically in the thigh or lower leg. However they can develop in other parts of the body.
An untreated blood clot in the leg or another part of the body, for example the pelvis or abdomen, can cause DVT. This may lead to complications such as a pulmonary embolism, which is a blockage of a blood vessel in the lungs . It’s the most serious complication of DVT and can be life threatening if is it not treated quickly.
DVT can develop naturally and for no obvious reason. However, certain risk factors can increase the chance of developing a DVT including:
•Immobility and inactivity, for example being in hospital or confined to bed after an operation or a long distance flight, as this reduces the blood flow through the veins, increasing the chances of blood cells clumping together.
•Blood vessel damage.
•Certain medical and genetic conditions.
•Taking the contraceptive pill and HRT medication.
If you had an untreated blood clot, including a DVT or a pulmonary embolism, you may be able to bring a claim for medical negligence.
For it to be successful, our expert lawyers will help you prove the condition developed due to the negligence of a medical professional.
Start by speaking to one of our medical negligence team. We offer a free consultation, where someone will listen to your case and advise on whether you have a claim. From here they’ll answer any questions, inform you of what to do next and help you build a claim.
To support your claim it’s useful to gather any evidence you can related to your case. This can include medical records, witness statements and financial documents.
DVT compensation
Our experienced medical negligence team can advise you on how much you might expect to receive for DVT compensation.
It varies depending on the type and severity of your injuries, and the effect they have on your life. For example, if DVT leads to an amputation, it’s likely to earn a higher amount of compensation than when there is a good recovery.
DVT compensation can be used to help cover:
- Loss of earnings – being unable to return to work, either on a temporary or full-time basis, can result in significant lost earnings.
- Treatment and therapy – any costs for medication and therapy incurred as a result of the negligence.
- Care – additional care costs at home or in a healthcare facility.
- Specialist equipment – such as wheelchairs, walking sticks, prosthetics and equipment to adapt your home.
- Travel expenses – costs of taxis, fuel, parking, buses or any other transport required due to your injury.
Funeral costs – if a loved one has died due to a DVT or pulmonary embolism you can recover the cost of the funeral. You can also claim for pain and suffering relating to physical injuries and emotional distress.
Why choose Leigh Day?
The medical negligence team at Leigh Day has more than 30 years’ experience dealing with claims relating to DVT and untreated blood clots.
Suzanne White is head of our clinical negligence team and has specialised in this area for more than 20 years. She has secured significant amounts of compensation for individuals who have suffered serious injuries due to medical negligence, including cases of DVT.

What the directories say
Suzanne exemplifies the firm's commitment to achieve the best possible results for its clients. She has great tactical acumen and is able to step back and look at the bigger picture of a catastrophic case.
Legal 500
DVT and pulmonary embolism case studies
Contraceptive pill
Suzanne White acted for the family of Fallan Kurek who collapsed and died from a pulmonary embolism caused by taking the contraceptive pill.
Misdiagnosed thrombosis
Olive Lewin secured £1 million in compensation for a woman when a hospital failed to diagnose a thrombosis in her leg, which led to her needing an above the knee amputation.
Post-surgery DVT
Henry Dyson settled a claim for a man who suffered a DVT, followed by a pulmonary embolism after day surgery for a hernia.