020 7650 1200

Newborn baby and mother

Maternity care: Videos

Our videos highlight real-life stories of individuals who have faced negligence during pregnancy, childbirth, or postpartum care.

These stories bring to light the challenges and hardships they experienced and how we fought for their rights and well-being.

You will hear from our dedicated team of solicitors who specialize in maternity care claims. They share their knowledge, insights, and experiences in dealing with these complex cases.

They delve into the legal frameworks, medical guidelines, and best practices related to maternity care, giving you a comprehensive understanding of the issues at hand.







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Young Mother And Baby

Maternity care

We recognise the importance of providing accurate and reliable information to expectant mothers and families. This page aims to provide comprehensive information on various aspects of maternity care, including pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum care, and infant health.

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Baby Feet

Maternity care: In the news

Stay up to date with Leigh Day's work in the field of maternity care by exploring our news articles.