020 7650 1200

Antibiotic Drip

Access to treatment

Established over 60 years ago, the National Health Service’s three founding principles are

  1. meeting the needs of everyone
  2. be free at the point of delivery, and
  3. be based on clinical need, not ability to pay.

With most decisions about what treatment the NHS should provide being made on a local basis, it is widely recognized that a postcode lottery exists in healthcare and limited resources means not all medical treatment for all patients can be provided.

What the directories say

Leigh Day has ‘one of the strongest human rights teams’ in the market

Legal 500

Our team of judicial review experts have acted in a wide array of cases concerning access to NHS funded medical treatment. We have successfully assisted clients to challenge commissioning policies and individual funding decisions. We have also assisted patients uphold their patient choice rights, including seeking treatment overseas to avoid lengthy waiting lists.