Meet the abuse team
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Our specialist legal team is rated as one of the best in the UK, with a track record of success over three decades.
We’ve supported clients who have suffered sexual, physical and emotional abuse, resulting in psychiatric damage and physical injury. This includes survivors of child abuse and vulnerable adults, such as older people or those living with disabilities.
Our abuse lawyers
Alison Millar
Alison Millar works in the human rights department at Leigh Day, where she is the head of abuse claims
Andrew Lord
Senior associate solicitor
Andrew Lord is a senior associate solicitor in the abuse claims team.
Catriona Rubens
Senior associate solicitor
Catriona Rubens is a senior associate solicitor in the abuse team.
What the directories say
They work with some extremely vulnerable clients and are always able to build very trusting relationships with the clients and ensure that the litigation process is made as manageable and intelligible as possible for those clients.
Legal 500 2022