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Own up, clean up, pay up
Leigh Day are the UK's leading firm on water pollution, with a practice spanning private and public law solutions to protecting water quality, and the environment and communities which rely on it.
Holding polluters to account
Leigh Day's Group Litigation team have been holding the some of world's largest companies to account for polluting watercourses in the UK and internationally for decades.
Holding governments and regulators to account
Leigh Day's Public Law Environment Team have a long history of holding governments and regulators to account for their failure to protect UK watercourses.
Group claims FAQ
A group litigation can be brought by the members of a community, allowing them to stand together to bring a polluter before the courts to answer for the damage they have caused. In response, a court can:
⦁ Order compensation be paid to the members of the community, who may have suffered injury, cultural losses and/or loss of their livelihoods
⦁ Order that polluters stop actions which will cause future water pollution
⦁ Order that polluters clean up the pollution they have already caused to restore the water and surrounding eco-system
If you want to use the law to help protect the environment and slow down the impact of climate change, our specialist lawyers can help. We routinely take on strategic and innovative challenges to proposals that threaten to damage and destroy the environment.
From working with campaigners wanting to legally challenge fossil fuel extraction, to helping charities and community groups protect wildlife under threat, at Leigh Day we can assist across all aspects of environment and planning law.
To find out if you may have a claim and how our specialist team might be able to help, contact our environment team. Speak to one of our solicitors or arrange a call back. They will listen to your case, assess whether you have grounds for a claim and advise on the next steps to take.
Public law FAQs
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Our environmental work

Farming practices will have to change, rules judge following River Action legal action over state of River Wye
A judge has ruled that farming practices will have to change so that farmers obey the Farming Rules for Water in response to a legal challenge by River Action over the Environment Agency’s alleged failure to enforce regulations to protect the River Wye from pollution.
Our lawyers have extensive experience in major environmental claims, including pollution, human rights, climate change, wildlife, fossil fuels, and planning.
Carol Day was featured in the 2022 ENDS Power List, recognizing the 100 UK environmental professionals with the greatest impact over the past two years
The Leigh Day environmental team
Get in touch
Protecting the interests of the public
Current Leigh Day cases holding the government etc to account:
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client name
Environmental group claims
Current cases where we are working with individuals and communities to bring group claims:
We regularly liaise with public interest lawyers regarding cases outside England and Wales and have established links with international organisations working on human rights and environmental issues.
We have pursued legal action in the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), Regional Courts (such as the African Regional Courts) and international courts.
Our International environment work
Leigh Day's international team brought the first cases which defined the law for how multinational corporations based in the UK could be held accountable for pollution and massive environmental degradation