LawCare, look after yourself: An interview with CEO Elizabeth Rimmer
Listen to our podcast on mental health in the legal profession
Posted on 14 May 2019
Listen to Regulatory & Disciplinary Associate, Emma Walker, speaking to LawCare’s Chief Executive, Elizabeth Rimmer, to mark Mental Health Awareness Week 2019. In this (1/2 hour) recording, Elizabeth and Emma talk about LawCare’s work promoting and supporting good mental health and well-being in the legal community, how members of the community can get support if they need it and they discuss some recent developments affecting the legal profession.
Get in touch with LawCare
Website: www.lawcare.org.uk
Twitter: @LawCareLtd
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/lawcare
Facebook: www.facebook.com/LawCare
Useful resources
Disciplinary Proceedings factsheet
Look After Yourself – Top 10 Tips for Good Mental Health and Wellbeing
Creating mentally healthy legal workplaces
Real stories published on the LawCare website
You can read more about proposals for a fitness to practise regime in Emma’s article published in the Law Society Gazette on 2 May 2019.