Road injury - Ben's story
Ben suffered a devastating brain injury after the car he was being driven in left the motorway and hit a tree. His parents describe the help they received from Leigh Day partner Harminder Bains.
17-year-old Ben was travelling in his friend's car, returning from a holiday in Majorca when his friend, who was driving the vehicle, fell asleep and crashed into a tree after leaving the M5 Motorway in Gloucestershire.
Ben sustained a life-threatening traumatic brain injury in the form of subarachnoid haemorrhage together with diffuse axonal damage. His Glasgow Coma Score reading at 3 was the lowest compatible with life when he arrived by helicopter at the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxfordshire.
Ben was left with significant deficits found in brain-injured clients, one of which was very noticeable ataxia (clumsiness) and a tremor in his left arm and hand. He bravely underwent Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery (DBS) in an attempt to improve this.
DBS Surgery is used to treat a variety of disabling neurological symptoms most commonly associated with Parkinson's Disease, such as tremor, rigidity and walking problems. The surgical procedure is only used for patients whose symptoms cannot be adequately controlled with medication.
Ben's parents spoke about the support they received from Leigh Day and personal injury partner Harminder Bains.
Road injuries
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