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Mesothelioma claim - Paul's story

Location: F Parkinson Ltd, Warrington

Compensation: Six-figure settlement

The man who we are calling Paul, worked as a joiner in Merseyside during the 1960s. He was exposed to asbestos as he worked on converting old warehouses into accommodation.

At Christmas 2016, Paul developed a cough. After having an x-ray and fluid drained from his lungs, Paul had a lung biopsy. In August 2017, the biopsy results showed he had mesothelioma of the pleura. He died aged 80 in January 2018.

Paul worked on a variety of sites whilst employed at F Parkinson Limited, including at an army camp at Burtonwood in Warrington. He was tasked with converting old warehouses into accommodation for the American forces.

This included putting up ceiling tiles made from asbestos. Paul remembers the tiles being dusty to touch, which would then get on his overalls and in his hair. Some of the tiles required cutting, which caused further dust to be produced.

Paul also carried out work for F Parkinson Limited at Warrington Borough Council’s civic building. Paul worked in the boiler room at this site, lining the floorboard joists. He used asbestos sheeting which he cut with a circular saw. Cutting the asbestos sheets with a powered saw produced a lot of dust. The cutting was done in a poorly ventilated boiler, and Paul remembered it being a dusty environment.

While employed at F Parkinson Limited, Paul also had to unload lorries that transported the asbestos sheets. The sheets were dusty, and he would be covered in dust. He was not provided with any protective clothing while working at F Parkinson Limited, and he was not informed of the dangers of working with asbestos.

At Christmas 2016, Paul began to notice a cough. In April 2017 he went to the doctors and they suggested for Paul to go to the drop in x-ray facility at Southport Hospital that afternoon. The results showed he had some thickening in his lungs and, in the next month, Paul had 1.5 litres of fluids drained from his lungs. He then had a lung biopsy and in August 2017, the biopsy results showed that Paul had mesothelioma of the pleura. In January 2018 Paul died aged 80.

Paul regularly came into contact with asbestos while working at F Parkinson Limited as a joiner. Sadly, he died shortly after his diagnosis and did not see justice in his lifetime. Despite the exposure to asbestos having happened many years ago the company was still trading and agreed to compensate Paul’s widow. We are pleased to have reached a settlement that can help to support Paul’s family in the years to come.”

Asbestos lawyer at Leigh Day