020 7650 1200

Abdul 1.13.1

Human rights - Abdul's story

Abdul Eneser is a blind man who fell on to tracks at a train station after being let down by Passenger Assist. There was no tactile paving at the platform edge.

As a blind man, Abdul, along with many other blind and visually impaired passengers, relies on the presence of tactile paving to identify the platform edge. The absence of tactile paving at Manchester Piccadilly, and other safety measures such as Passenger Assist and safety announcements, meant that Abdul suffered a near death experience which could have been avoided.

Leigh Day is helping Abdul bring a claim for compensation and to highlight the need for essential measures to give those with disabilities equal safe access to travel.


Abdul's experience at Manchester Piccadilly train station highlights the urgent need for improved provisions and assistance for disabled individuals when travelling on trains.

Leigh Day has supported Abdul throughout this difficult journey, providing transparency and assistance every step of the way. Our main objective is to prevent such incidents from happening to others in the future.

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