Data Protection Act 2019
Posted on 07 January 2021
In this case Leigh Day partner Harminder Bains represented Dr Robin Rudd who is recognised as one of the UK’s leading experts in the science of asbestos-related diseases and who has for over 35 years given expert evidence in many cases in the UK in which clients have sought compensation for asbestos related diseases.
Dr Rudd brought a claim against John Bridle and J&S Bridle Limited. Mr Bridle is an asbestos lobbyist who believes chrysotile and asbestos cement products are safe and do not cause asbestos diseases.
After a 3 day trial in the High Court Dr Rudd was successful in his claim that he be provided with information and identities of those who communicated with Mr Bridle. This is an important case, defending the reputation of a medical professional who presents information about the health of asbestos clients to the courts when they seek compensation for their illnesses.