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Leigh Day Blogs

Leigh Day is a law firm practically unique in giving legal advice solely to individuals. The firm’s experience includes fighting for human rights in this country and overseas, claims for compensation for illness and injury as well as employment rights for individuals who may have been discriminated against or not paid what they earned.

Within these teams are experts on a wide range of specific issues and whilst our news section can keep you up to date with our cases and our comments on the news, this blog is intended for longer posts, written by our experts, so that they can give their views on current topics, or those issues which they are dealing with for clients. We hope you find them interesting and that if you do you’ll share them on social media or simply with those you feel may be affected by the issues raised.

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Cycling abroad: preparing for your trip and understanding what to do in the event of an accident

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Blurry hospital corridor
Medical negligence Pregnancy Group B Strep

The importance of documenting Group B Streptococcus in a pregnant woman’s medical notes

Leigh Day lawyers Emmalene Bushnell and Kriya Hurley, who act for mothers in claims arising out of Group B Streptococcus affecting both mothers and babies, explain the importance of making a clear note of the presence of Group B Streptococcus in pregnant women

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Personal injury Asbestos and mesothelioma

Action Mesothelioma Day 2024

Today, is Action Mesothelioma Day, a day for remembrance for those who have been affected by mesothelioma and to raise awareness for future generations of the dangers of asbestos.