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Latest News

Settlement agreed with Croydon Council to improve voting accessibility for blind voters
Dr Yusuf Ali Osman, who is registered blind, has reached a settlement with Croydon Council after challenging it for failing to make reasonable adjustments to make postal voting more accessible for him.
Latest Blogs

Oxford maternity failings: impacted families call for an independent review
Medical negligence lawyers Ceilidh Robertson and Lucy MacBrayne consider families’ call for an independent review of maternity care in Oxford.

Top tips on renting a city bike
Renting a city bike has become London’s popular and trending method of transportation. Combining exercise with sight-seeing, it has never been easier to explore what London has to offer from the comfort of your bike saddle.

Placing art and profit above abuse victims: the lack of action by Netflix in addressing allegations against Neil Gaiman
In a culture that idolises fame, Astrid Parrett and Dino Nocivelli consider how celebrities can routinely get away with saying or doing the wrong thing and this perceived immunity can often extend to serious criminal behaviour.