020 7650 1200


Leigh Day press office

Our in-house media professionals strive to help with all queries from the media. Leigh Day believes in the need for the accurate reporting of the law.

Welcome to Leigh Day's press office page for media enquiries. If you are a member of the press and you would like an interview with one of our lawyers, or if you need more information on a story, please contact the Leigh Day press team at pressoffice@leighday.co.uk or on 07498 250840.

If you are unable to get in touch with our press team, please contact our switchboard team on 020 7650 1200.

Meet the press office team

Caroline Ivison

Caroline Ivison

Caroline is our head of communications

Maxine (1)

Maxine Wolstenholme

Maxine works across all Leigh Day departments as a senior media relations manager

Mike O'connor

Mike O'Connor

Mike works across all Leigh Day departments as a senior media relations manager

Anna Mauremootoo (1)

Anna Mauremootoo

Anna works across all of Leigh Day’s departments as a media relations manager

Lucy Ingram

Lucy Ingram

Lucy is the media relations executive in Leigh Day's press office

Lucy Eatough

Lucy Eatough

Lucy works as a communications executive across internal comms and Leigh Day's press team

Joel Shooter Photo

Joel Shooter

Joel works as a communications assistant across internal comms and Leigh Day's press team

Contact the team

Please call us on 07498 250840 or send us an email and one of our team will respond