Uber drivers' claims in the UK and South Africa
We're acting on behalf of Uber drivers for claims relating to national minimum wage and holiday pay
Leigh Day is assisting Uber drivers who feel that they have been unfairly treated in legal claims in South Africa. We are acting for thousands of Uber Drivers in the UK. The two claims are separate.
South Africa
Mbuyisa Moleele Attorneys in Johannesburg, assisted by Leigh Day, are preparing a class action to be filed in the Johannesburg Labour Court against Uber BV and Uber SA on behalf of South African Uber drivers. The claim will be based on the drivers’ entitlement to rights as employees under South African legislation and will seek compensation for unpaid overtime and holiday pay.
Find out more about the class action in South Africa
United Kingdom
Leigh Day act on behalf of thousands of UK-based Uber drivers who claim that they should be treated as workers with legal protections and benefits, such as the right to paid holiday and the right to receive the National Minimum Wage. We are claiming compensation for Uber’s failure to pay its drivers holiday pay and the National Minimum Wage.
Find out more about the group claim in the UK
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Leigh Day are without doubt the most important employee firm.
Legal 500 2021