easyJet data breach 2020
Find out more about the easyJet data breach and how you can join the claim.
In 2020, easyJet was the victim of a cyber-attack. It left millions of customers vulnerable to phishing and unsolicited emails. While easyJet contacted these customers to inform them of the breach, they failed to take responsibility for the consequences of their poor security measures.
Organisations are responsible for handling customer data correctly – including taking steps to securely store and protect this information. If you’re one of nine million easyJet customers who were contacted as you were affected by the data breach, you could be entitled to compensation.
Leigh Day's data protection experts are currently investigating claims against easyJet on behalf of thousands of affected customers. Get in touch today to find out how you can join the easyJet data breach claim.
About the easyJet data breach claim
On the 19th May 2020, easyJet announced they were victim to one of the UK’s largest ever data breaches. Around nine million easyJet customers had their personal data accessed, including, names, email addresses, travel details and, in some cases, their credit card details. It left many customers concerned at the unauthorised disclosure of their personal information and vulnerable to unwanted emails and cyber-fraud.
If you were notified, you may be able to claim compensation even if you lost no money as a result of the data breach. We’re claiming compensation for all customers for the distress and inconvenience caused by the loss of their personal data.
How do I join the easyJet claim?
If you believe you were affected by the easyJet data breach, you can join thousands of other customers to hold easyJet accountable for their failure to keep your information safe.
Fill out our short enquiry form so we can check your eligibility. Once we receive your information, one of our specialist team members will contact you within two working days to discuss your claim.
Why use Leigh Day?
Our human rights team has more than 20 years' experience in data protection and privacy claims. This includes challenging multi-national companies as well as local authorities and the NHS.
We keep on top of changes to information and data protection law to best advise our clients. We have brought successful compensation claims in cases where others wrongly accessed clients’ personal, medical and financial information.
Top ranked firm
The human rights team has been recognised as a leader in its field for many years. In 2022, we were top ranked in eight practice areas in Chambers and Partners.
Submit your information
We are already instructed by hundreds of affected customers. We are acting for affected clients on a so called “no win no fee” basis, which will ensure that they receive at least 70% of any compensation they are awarded if the claim is successful. Clients will not be required to make any up-front payment or similar.
If you have been notified by easyJet that your personal information was accessed as a result of the data breach and wish us to investigate bringing a claim against easyJet on your behalf, you can start the process today.
Similarly, if you have any problems completing the sign-up process or would prefer to be taken through the sign-up process by telephone, please email us at easyjetdatabreach@leighday.co.uk and a member of our legal team will contact you to arrange a convenient time to speak with you.

Our human rights team challenge multi-million-pound corporations and authority figures who have unlawfully shared their customer’s information or failed to invest in adequate security measures, resulting in a data breach.
Contact the team by telephone on 020 7650 1200 or send an email.
Contact the team
In 2020, the personal details of more than nine million easyJet customers were hacked in a cyber-attack. In over 2,000 of these cases, affected customers’ credit card details were also accessed. This resulted in one of the UK’s largest ever data breaches.
Now, anyone affected may be at a greater risk of cyber-fraud – especially receiving unsolicited communications and emails or attachments from questionable sources.
It is our belief that easyJet failed to take the necessary security measures to keep your personal information safe.
easyJet confirmed that they contacted all customers affected by the data breach between April and May 2020. If you have not been contacted, then you were not affected by the incident and won’t be able to make a claim.
If you were notified by easyJet, you may be able to claim compensation even if you have not lost any money as a result. You can start the process today by completing our form and signing up as a client.
How much compensation you can claim from easyJet may depend on specific factors of your case, such as:
- The personal information accessed, including whether this included your credit card details.
- How many people had unauthorised access to your personal information and for how long.
- Emotional distress caused by the breach.
- Any financial losses experienced.
Our current view is that the value of affected customers’ compensation claims is likely to vary from hundreds of pounds to over a thousand pounds in the more serious cases.
It’s too early to provide a fixed timescale for when you may receive any compensation for the data breach. Much of our work will depend on how easyJet respond.
We understand this can be frustrating, but we will keep our clients updated every step of the way via email. You can also reach out to us by emailing easyjetdatabreach@leighday.co.uk
easyJet confirmed that they contacted all customers affected by the data breach in April and May 2020. They have also offered a complimentary 12-month membership to a credit checking service for any customers whose credit card details were compromised.
If you’ve received a suspicious amount of phishing emails, it may be a good idea to check whether easyJet haves tried to contact you. This may be in the form of an email, text or letter and is likely to start with ‘Cyber Security Incident’.
If you haven’t been contacted, then it is unlikely that you were affected by the breach.
We are acting for affected clients on a so called “no win no fee” basis, which will ensure that they receive at least 70% of any compensation they are awarded if the claim is successful. Clients will not be required to make any up-front payment or similar.
We are responding to form completions within 24 to 36 hours. If you have submitted your form during the weekend, please allow an extra day for responses, as we won’t see your details until the following Monday morning.
If you are still to receive a response, please email easyjetdatabreach@leighday.co.uk to check that the details we hold for you are correct.
The easyJet data breach claim is still at an early stage, so no compensation has been given out at the time of writing. However, please be assured that we will keep our clients updated via email. We are currently in communications with more than 1,500 affected easyJet customers.
You can also reach out if you need assistance at any point of the claims process by emailing – easyjetdatabreach@leighday.co.uk.
What the directories say
Sean Humber is instructed by clients seeking advice on data breaches involving sensitive personal data. He represents individual claimants as well as companies. He's very responsive, professional, innovative and looks for solutions for his clients. He's a great strategic thinker and lawyer.
Chambers and partners 2022 - Sean Humber - Data Protection & Information Law