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Karry Sanchez | Legal Officer

Karry Sanchez is a Legal Officer for the International Whistleblowing and Corruption team.

Karry is a Legal officer in the international department, specialising in international environmental and human rights claims, whistleblowing and international corruption against British multinational companies.

Legal expertise

Since joining Leigh Day, Karry has assisted on number of different matters, including:

  • A whistle-blowing claim on behalf of a former partner at EY who was forced out of the firm after he raised concerns regarding money laundering and conflict minerals in the UAE (Mr Rihan v Ernst & Young Global Ltd & Ors [2020] EWHC 910(QB)).
  • Claims on behalf of Kenyan nationals who allege that they were seriously abused by the security guards employed to protect crops at a farm in Kenya supplying major British and European supermarkets (AAA & Others v Camellia Plc & Ors)
  • Claims by Iraqi civilians against the Ministry of Defence;
  • Claims brought by Colombian farmers against a former subsidiary of the multi-national BP plc for environmental damage caused by the construction of the OCENSA pipeline.
  • Claims for torture and other human rights abuses brought by a group of indigenous Peruvians against Monterrico Metals Plc which was settled (without admission of liability) in July 2011.

Karry has a special interest in corporate accountability and in the impacts of extractive industries in Latin America. Karry speaks fluent Spanish.


News Article

Briefing provided to Colombian judiciary on land rights decree

Leigh Day lawyers, jointly with the Law Society of England & Wales, have provided an expert briefing to the Colombian judiciary in a case governing the land rights of indigenous people.