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International environmental damage

The activities of multi-national corporations can cause widespread pollution and massive environmental degradation, particularly in the extractions areas of mining, oil and gas

The activities of multinational corporations can cause widespread pollution and massive environmental degradation, particularly in the extractive industries of mining, oil and gas.

Companies in these sectors often operate in countries with weak environmental protection where there are lower production costs, and the ability to influence the development or enforcement of environmental regulations.

The lack of adequate local laws and regulations, or gaps in the means of enforcing them, renders it difficult or impossible for local people to protect their environment and to secure rights that are dependent on a healthy environment.

Individuals from local communities invariably struggle to acquire legal representation to obtain compensation for damage to their health or livelihood. We specialise in representing individuals and communities all over the world who have suffered ill-health and damage to their local environment from the effects of pollution and environmental degradation.

We regularly manage complex litigation involving claimants in remote locations overseas.

We specialize in representing individuals and communities all over the world who have suffered ill-health and damage to their local environment from the effects of pollution and environmental degradation. We regularly manage complex litigation involving claimants in remote locations overseas.

We have pioneered legal developments in large group actions in UK courts and have successfully obtained substantial amounts of compensation on behalf of victims.

Case Study
Boat Bodo Creek Feb 2014
Corporate accountability Environment Shell Nigeria Pollution

Shell - Bodo

Leigh Day took the case of the Bodo villagers to the High Court in London, four months before the case was due to go to trial, Shell agreed a landmark settlement for £55 million

Case Study
Shell 1
Nigeria Shell Pollution Corporate accountability Environment

Shell - Ogale and Bille

In October and December 2015, the Ogale and Bille Communities in the Niger Delta filed claims in the English Courts against Shell. The cases involve devastating oil pollution caused by Shell’s operations.

Case Study
Vedanta Zambia
International Corporate accountability Environmental Damage


Leigh Day represented 2,577 Zambian villagers who took action against UK based Vedanta Resources plc and its Zambian subsidiary Konkola Copper Mines

Case Study
Kabwe Mine

Anglo American - lead poisoning

Leigh Day, working with Johannesburg attorneys Mbuyisa Moleele, filed a lawsuit against Anglo American on behalf of thousands of children and women believed to be suffering from lead poisoning

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